Do You Know If Your New Job Needs A First Aid Certificate?

There are so many new things to consider when you’re applying for new jobs or starting out on your own as an entrepreneur. One item that we can help you with is showing you which industries or professions need first aid certificates or other training with a cross-referenced chart.

First Aid Certificate & Health Training Options

The experienced Training Aid team can benefit your career choices with the safety training as well as the following first-aid related courses:

As not everyone immediately knows what courses are required per industry, our helpful experts have compiled a useful chart below to increase your chances of landing that perfect job.

A Helpful Industry First Aid Certificate Training Chart

If you don’t find your industry listed below, drop us a line and we will check the legislation for you immediately.

Profession Certificates Required Validity Period
Electrician CPR* One year
Electrician with a restricted license CPR* One year
Plumbing contractor First Aid ** Three years
Building contractor First Aid ** Three years
Doctor CPR Two years
Dentistry professional CPR One year
Nursing professional CPR One year
Physiotherapist CPR One year
Chiropractors First Aid and CPR Three years
Child care & general school teachers CPR * One year
Retail store staff 1 staff member, on-site at all times, to carry First Aid certification ** Three years
Maritime sector First Aid ** Three years
Fitness industry (e.g. trainer) First Aid ** Three years
Students in medical, teaching or physio courses First Aid (for practical aspect of course) ** Three years
Security personnel First Aid Three years
Hospitality (e.g. hotel, cafe) 1 staff member, on-site at all times, to carry First Aid certification ** Three years
Event staff 1 staff member, on-site at all times, to carry First Aid certification ** Three years


* – We recommend First Aid training as well for lacerations and burns.

** – We recommend CPR training in case of drownings, shocks on-site or anomalies.

Differentiate Yourself And Land That Dream Job!

A First Aid Certificate course is a powerful skill to have. First aid trained people are ten times more likely to jump into action and help with CPR, and statistics show that more than two-thirds of first aid trained people will use it in their lifetime on someone they know – making them super citizens!

Get ahead of the competition, become a super-citizen and land your dream job or project. For more detailed information contact our supportive trainers here, and book your First Aid Training Certificate Course now!

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