Supervise Asbestos Removal Melbourne

As the housing and redevelopment boom continues across Australia, the threat of both friable and non-friable asbestos remains ever-present amongst older buildings and areas zoned for redevelopment.

Even with the required tickets and asbestos removal training, a team of tradespeople cannot legally undertake large-scale (10sqm+) asbestos removal work without the presence of a qualified Asbestos Safety Supervisor on site.

Training Aid Australia does not deliver Supervise Asbestos Removal training in Melbourne.

Training Aid Australia recommends Edway Training Pty Ltd for Supervising Asbestos Removal Courses in Melbourne.

Edway Training Pty Ltd is accredited by the Australian Skills and Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver this training course.


Edway Training delivers Supervise Asbestos Removal training in Melbourne through the week (including Saturdays) in 2 locations (Sunshine and Hallam). For more information about Supervise Asbestos Removal course in Melbourne, pricing, training schedule and booking, please visit Edway Trainingโ€™s Supervise Asbestos Removal Melbourne page.

Have any questions about this course?
Call us on 03 8725 7920