
CPR Training and CPR Certification Q&As

We get a lot of calls asking us about CPR Training and CPR Certification. So, we’ve taken some of your most common questions and listed their answers, to save you making a phone call….

  1. What is the difference between CPR Training and CPR Certification?

A CPR (techniques which can increase the chances of restarting the heart and breathing systems of someone who’s breathing and heart rhythm have gone into a state of arrest), Course teaches all the units required for you to understand what Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is and how it is practised.

CPR Certification (or accreditation) is the certificate you will be awarded if you successfully pass all the units covered by the training.

  1. Who needs CPR Training and CPR Certification?

Up to date CPR training and CPR certification is becoming increasingly expected in many careers.

Childcare Workers, Carers of the Elderly, Health and Fitness professionals, WH&S officers, Education Staff, and even First Aid personnel at your local shopping centre, are all required to have current CPR certification.

  1. Why are so many workplaces now expecting staff have CPR Certification?

Duty Of Care is a legally required responsibility of almost every workplace. If someone suffers a heart arrest, there is a strong chance a workplace could be held legally negligent there isn’t a WH&S officer, or staff with successful CPR training, to respond. Regulation of the SafeWork NSW Code Of Practice states, ‘a person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that an adequate number of workers are trained to administer first aid at the workplace or that workers have access to an adequate number of other people who have been trained to administer first aid.’ CPR Certification is required for all First Aiders.

  1. What is covered in CPR Training?

Training Aid offers four types of CPR certification;

  • HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) – which is basic CPR training and includes legal requirements, CPR techniques and AED use.
  • HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Refresher Training SafeWork NSW requires ‘refresher training in CPR should be undertaken annually’
  • HLTAID007 Provide Advanced Resuscitation – includes more complex resuscitation techniques and use and maintenance of equipment – such as oxygen machine and machine resuscitation
  • HLTAID007 Provide Advanced Resuscitation Refresher Training  – refresher courses must be taken each year to keep this accreditation valid.
  1. How long does it take to become CPR Certified?

Generally all our CPR courses take around 3.5 and 4 hours in total.

  1. How is CPR training structured?

The majority of the courses are face-to-face instruction and role play demonstrations. You will be expected to demonstrate CPR techniques so dress in loose comfortable clothing. At the end of the training, students need to satisfactorily pass all units and a theory paper to get their CPR Certification.

  1. Do all participants have to come into Training Aid’s premises for their CPR training?

CPR Training is one of our most popular courses. Training Aid offers group training sessions either at our premises or your choice of premises, for all our first aid and CPR training. However, there is a minimum number required for us to hold group training sessions – call 1300 2 ENROL (1300 2 36 765) or 1300 663 350for more information.

Contact our professional consultants at Training Aid for more information about the First Aid and CPR courses we offer. We have onsite training premises in both Sydney and Melbourne, but we are happy to provide group training first aid courses at your choice of location. 

*This blog is general in nature and is ONLY meant to give readers an overview of the subject matter. Do NOT rely on this information for your specific needs. If you are planning to hold one of Training Aid’s group First Aid courses, we highly recommend that you contact Training Aid for more information about Training Aid’s Courses and discuss your SPECIFIC requirements

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