
Who Needs HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course Accreditation?

Not just childcare, educators and health professionals – everyone who spends some time caring for children need to know what the correct response is if there is an accident or injury.

The best way to gain first aid skills is to attend a HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course!

A child in your care could be involved in an accident and suffer injuries incredibly quickly!

Make sure you don’t waste precious treatment time because you haven’t got HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course accreditation and you don’t know what to do!

  • Australian children suffer an incredibly high number of accidents and incidents each year. According the Federal Government’s Institute of Health and Welfare  ‘in 2011-12, there were 60,129 hospitalisations due to injury and poisoning for children aged 0 to14 in Australia.’
  • These statistics don’t even take into account how many children and infants have visited a health care professional for treatment of an injury or accident.
  • The Daily Telegraph recently reported, ‘more than a thousand Australian babies and toddlers are sent to hospital each year with injuries sustained in daycare’ in 2014-2015. It is mandatory all Child Care workers have their HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course accreditation. If you’re a school leaver who absolutely loves kids and just wants to work caring for them – you need to have successfully completed all HLTAID004 units as an add on to all childhood studies accreditations.
  • If you are thinking children will be safe in your home, think again! The home was the place of injury for 60% of infants and children, and that is only the cases which require treatment in a hospital! Home carers (mums, dads, registered home carers, and grandparents) all need to have completed a HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course to keep the most vulnerable, young people, safe and protected.

The units covered aren’t hugely different to those in our other Provide First Aid Courses. However, the techniques demonstrated have been specifically adjusted for more effective treatment for childhood injuries.

A good example of this is the process of CPR is quite different in infants, children and adults. CPR which uses ‘adult’ techniques can easily create further damage to an infant or child. HLTAID001 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an essential competency of the HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course.

The HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course also looks at all the usual first aid units of the HLTAID003 Provide First Aid, applicable for many of the most common childhood injuries and ailments, such as:

  • caring for injuries – fractures, cuts, grazes, soft tissue injuries
  • what first aid treatment is required for shock, burns, scalds, bleeding and poisoning
  • what is considered to be a dangerously high temperature?
  • what to do if a child falls and injures themselves

Not only are participants shown the correct responses to childhood injuries and accidents, both 22300VIC Course in First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis and 22282VIC Course in the Management of Asthma Risks and Emergencies in the Workplace also included in the HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course.Â

So, if  you  need HLTAID004 Childcare First Aid Course accreditation to protect children in your care – Training Aid is running numerous courses in both their Sydney and Melbourne premises, to find out more information or contact us click here.

This blog is general in nature and is ONLY meant to give readers an overview of the subject matter. Do NOT rely on this information for your specific needs. If you are planning to enrol or attend one of our courses we highly recommend that you discuss this with one of our friendly staff, your company manager, or other supervisors, to advise on your group’s SPECIFIC requirements.

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