
STCW10 Course of Safety Training

The below post was provided by our Marine Training expert,  Gerry, which we have simplified for our clients to understand what’s happening in the marine training industry.

The training arm for maritime certification has been set up to deliver vocational qualifications under the new Maritime Training Package, for near coastal qualifications, known as MAR. It is a short term  plan to offer entry level maritime qualifications as follows:

  • General Purpose Hand incorporating ESS
  • Coxswain Class 1&2
  • STCW 10 incorporating Security Awareness Certification AMSA accredited.

The training arm is also seeking immediate approval for the following sub units of the above qualifications:

  • Apply First Aid HLTAID 003
  • Transmit and Receive information  by marine VHF radio within Australian Territorial  Waters MARC019-(a new recreational qualification)
  • Transmit and receive information by marine VHF radio MARC020 ( part of MAR an updated vocational qualification)
  • Transmit and receive information by marine HF radio MAR021( part of MAR an updated vocational qualification )

Be aware that the present method of issuing Marine Radio qualifications VHF and HF is changing to the  competency based model, reflected in MARC020&21 and we will be moving immediately to accommodate this change.

The previous Labour government , the political arm of the union movement , was beholden to the Maritime Union of Australia, who were able, during the development phase of the mining boom, to insist that all workers on offshore maritime job sites held AMSA issued STCW certificates, so employers had to employ workers who were trained in Australia, not qualified overseas workers (holding IMO issued STCW certification, such as we deliver).

This situation is changing under the new Liberal NP Government.

Employers are now accepting IMO STCW certification as the power of the MUA on some job sites declines .The Australian last Friday May 30 carried an article on this issue headed “Visa curbs on oil rig workers removed”.

IMO STCW certificates are being accepted in lieu of AMSA-STCW certification, on some Australian  sites, and:

  • Our STCW certificates are cheaper $1875 vs other AMSA training providers
  • Our course is shorter 5 days vs 8 days for AMSA training providers
  • Our course includes Security Awareness certification from August 2014, and First Aid certification.

It is unlikely that in the short term 2014 our IMO STCW certificates will be recognized by AMSA.

However they are universally accepted by all international maritime employers, globally.

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